

Submission window and response times

Our submissions window is always open. We are committed to reviewing and responding to each submission we receive. We typically respond within 2-3 weeks, but there may be times when it takes us a bit longer to reply. 

Providing a platform for working class revolutionary thought leaders in a format that is free and available to all is a labor of love for us: one that we do in our free time, so please be patient with us. If we haven’t responded to your submission within a month, feel free to reach out and inquire about its status. 

What to submit

In terms of form, we are open to a wide variety of mediums, genres, forms, and styles, including but not limited to: 

In terms of content, we are looking for revolutionary works: works that challenge dominant narratives and structures while imagining a better world, works that are subversive or radical in nature. This does not necessarily mean that the theme or subject matter needs to be overtly political. We believe that creative practice is inherently subversive, in itself a form of political resistance, to the extent that it is not performed under the compulsion of the boss, out of allegiance to the ruling class, or out of economic necessity. We want works that show how creative and purposeful humans are, works that provide a glimpse into how creative, purposeful, and non-alienated work could be in a non-capitalist society.

We do not publish works that are elitist (for example, writing that uses jargon without explaining it in lay terms); works that perpetuate the stereotypes, myths, or dominant narratives of settler-colonial capitalism; works that are either explicitly or implicitly racist, colonialist, imperialist, supremacist, saviorist, sexist, cissexist, ableist, homophobic, transphobic, fatphobic or xenophobic; or works that uncritically cite non-credible sources (e.g. sources who are bought and paid for by the ruling class). 

For more information please read our Five Core Guiding Principles.

Submission guidelines

To submit, email us at with your submission attached as a PDF or doc (for text) or png or jpeg (for images). In the subject of the email, type “[title] by [name]” (for example: “What's the deal with settler-colonialism by Dechoukaj” or “Untitled by Lynn”). 

In the body of the email, include any information about yourself you'd like to share, especially what name (if any) you'd like used to credit your work and any specific instructions of how you'd like your work presented. Please include the title(s) of your work(s), how you learned about us, and any links to personal websites or social media you'd like included.

You may submit multiple works, but please send each as a separate email. Before submitting, please familiarize yourself with our guiding principles and our statement of positionality and community alignment. 

Length guidelines

For poetry, please submit between one and five poems, and no more than 10 pages in total. 

For prose (fiction, reviews, theory, etc.), please submit one to three pieces, double-spaced, with a maximum of 2,000 words per piece, or 6000 words for a single piece. 

For visual art, please submit one to five works (photos, drawings, collages, etc.) 

The Nobody Owns Land zine uses CC BY NC ND creative commons licensing to ensure that sharing and access is always fully legal for anyone who seeks to use or teach this work, while protecting our contributors and readers. People who are published by Nobody Owns Land retain all rights to their work. We aren't here to steal or profit off of the work of others, we're here to help our movement flourish.

Criticisms and complaints
We at Nobody Owns Land would love to hear how we can better contribute to the Communist movement. Do not be afraid to email us at with any suggestions or critiques you may have for how we can improve. If you consider yourself "right-wing" in any way or wish to lob insults at us for whatever reason, we politely ask that you direct any and all comments to